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Prayer Request

All of Grace is a church that loves to pray. Our Elders and Deacons and congregation would love the opportunity to pray for you.


I would like to invest my time, gifts, and resources in a ministry that will impact the church and the community.

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Welcome to All Of Grace Baptist Church of Los Angeles

All of Grace Baptist Church is currently sharing the beautiful church facility with Atwater Park Baptist Church.

Please see our upcoming events section below for up-to-date information.

Who We Are



Upcoming Events at all of grace baptist church

    Welcome to All of Grace Baptist Church!  We are an active community of Christ followers! We love our community of Atwater Village, and we seek to serve the Lord and our neighbors throughout Los Angeles.  We offer two service times on Sunday, at 11:30 AM, and at 4:30 PM.  We encourage you to join us in person, or if you want to explore what it is like to attend our church, you can view online sermons on our YouTube channel.  

    One of our favorite ministries is our ongoing Glendale outreach program.  Each Saturday we visit Glendale and preach the Gospel to our neighbors.  This active witness of our faith has had a powerful impact on our people, and has transformed the lives of those we bear our witness to! We’re also involved in campus ministry to engage the faith of college students.  

    Be sure to follow us on our social media channels to learn more about our missions and our activities.  And be sure to join us on Wednesdays for our prayer meeting.

    We can’t wait to see you soon!